SilverTec is proud to introduce the ST7 Fire and Gas control panel. A dedicated safety system that operates as a safety PLC but without compromising on the reliability or failing to meet the standards.
The ST7 was designed for applications like process plants, refineries, on and offshore oil and gas refineries, chemical plants etc. showing excellent system resilience and resistance to electromagnetic disturbances.
Approved by international bodies such as IMQ and TUV the modular approach offers an incredible versatility and customizability. Depending on the projects requirements, the panel can be scaled up or down in order to suit the need. The modular panel follows the European EN standards and the Safety Integrity Level( SIL) can be achieved up to SIL 4(3).
The ST7 panel was built based on Hot Swap technology , this allowing for the cards(modules) to be replaced whit ought shutting down or stopping the system at all. Another great advantage of the Hot swap is that the cards can be replaced within seconds and no additional tools or skills are required.
The redundant CPU option offers the feature of having 2 cards working in parallel, constantly being updated with logs and information from the field. There is hot swap available on the CPU, which allows the faulty card to be replaced in a matter of seconds, replaced, and automatically synchronisation will take place in a matter of minutes.
The ST7 panel inglobate all three systems of fire detection, fire alarm and fire extinguishing. To the extent of which one entire traditional fire detection panel is replaced by one ingle ST7 card.
The basic structure of a panel is made of a control unit, which includes a CPU, display and keypad and the expansion rack, on which can be added up to 13 cards. The power supply can be single or redundant as well as the cards and the CPU.
The compact version panel, ST7 compact(maybe we can come up with this name for it) up to 13 I/O cards its ideal for small and medium applications that are looking to combine fire and gas detection and suppression panels. Ex: small factories, laboratories, multiple floor office buildings etc.
Why SilverTec and why ST7?
The modularity its one of the main reasons why ST7. In a brief description, what this offer is extreme flexibility. The cost and functionality are highly optimized being able to only pay for the features required. The long-time costs are also reduced because of the expandability of the system with no additional cost apart from the extra cards needed.
The systems when built usually includes a 20% spare for future expansion. When new devices need to be installed, they are just added to the already existing panel with virtually no additional costs.
The main reason why SilverTec, is because of our competitive prices. We can guarantee that our branded products (or the ST7 panel) cannot be found elsewhere with a better price than what we offer.
The system with all the processes happening can be logged(recorded) and supervised live, on site or remotely actioned and tested all inside the SilverView softwear. The software comes with a unique USB stick key and can be installed on any Windows powered machine. There are different password protected levels of access that can be customized based on whom will be supervising the system.
The cards (here will be information about the main features of some of the cards, specialities)
The addressable cards (AL7002-5) are used to connect a variety of devices, that use communication protocols such as ESP, Discovery, XP95 or System Sensor, to the panel.
The MD 8001 card is a Modbus communication module RTU Master/Slave which can provide two independent output ports one RS485 (Half Duplex) and one RS232
The dedicated extinguishing card EX9001 controls the process based on C.P.D European standards and makes the whole system compliant to EN 12094-1. It allows to build a SIL2 and SIL3 fire extinguishing system, the communication being managed by FPGA and the internal logic my micro-controller.
The four 2A channel OC600 it’s a monitored line high current output card. Ideal for high current demand devices like solenoid valves or big audio-visual evacuation devices.
The IC5003 is an 8 channel analogue card which can connect to the panel any device that outputs a 4-21mA signal. Its ideal for gas and flame detectors. The values can be expressed in ppm, LEL%, mA or °C. Apart from the LED indicators, the IC5002 features a 7 segment three digit display and the IC5001 adds in a bar graph.
The ST7-HV panel is commonly used in :
- Applications where traditional PLC are not meeting the safety standards
- Applications where cost efficiency is a priority
- SIL required and ATEX certified applications
- Replacing/updating existing systems using the already existing devices.
- Applications where both addressable and conventional loops are needed
Automatic fire suppression and extinguishing control systems. Conforming to the Construction Products Directive (CPD)
Integrated systems, including fire, intruder/burglar alarm, CCTV along with input/output control function for other peripheral services.
Safety Security systems, where panels operate, as master or slave units, on communication networks (of a fibre optic and fault tolerant type, too) and are connected to DCS through the protocol;
Fire protection systems with special voting and redundancy logics, also in accordance with the recommendations of the NFPA 72 standard.
Gas detection and measurement systems, ATEX-certifiable, capable of interfacing any 4-20 mA output toxic or explosive gas detectors. All of these functions can coexist, or be configured to meet specific customer requirements.
Product specification:
- Dedicated fire and gas panel
- Modular approach
- SIL 3 and SIL4
- IMQ and TUV approved
- Fire and gas monitoring
- Full Fire extinguishing capabilities according to the EN12094-1 standards
- UK brand
- Hot swap
- Non PLC approach
- Live monitoring
- CCTV compatibility
- Modbus
- Optic fibre connection
- Conventional and addressable system compatibility
- Remote control via supervision software
- Oil and Gas applications
